Tail your log files
tail -f access.log | curl --upload-file - https://webpipe.hyperngn.com/session/ANv_IBPf8mlfSJy0MeAyE3LuCJQUdKrLu0Ue6Mr-Drg
View your logs in the browser here: https://webpipe.hyperngn.com/session/ANv_IBPf8mlfSJy0MeAyE3LuCJQUdKrLu0Ue6Mr-Drg
The above URL has been generated just for you, it is 32 byte unique value and is guaranteed to be unique! However, if you send this URL to someone else, they too can view it, so share it responsibly!
Just refresh the page to get a new token!
This is a free service, Please use it fairly.
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